Job Search Websites for Canadians - Kick starting your hunt for that perfect job!

So, you finally decided to make a career move. Awesome!

You did all the right things to put your best foot forward: You updated your resume, you freshened up your LinkedIn profile, but now what? Where do you start?  

In 2016, the biggest part of the job search happens online. Let’s face it! Gone are the days when we printed a pile of resumes and distributed hard copies to potential employers.  

At Profilia, we have been navigating this online world for several years now! Here is a list of job search websites that we put together for your convenience, to give you a hand at this and get the ball rolling.

With time, feel free to come by and visit our website, for the most updated list of URLs! We are always working hard to keep this resource as fresh as possible for you! 

Feel free to reach out to us for any help with sprucing up your resume, or even if you have any suggestions for any additions. And, of course, good luck with  your job hunt.

While you’re at it, take the opportunity to connect with me too! I would love to hear all about your new success stories!


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